23 July 2014 Business Client News PR Musings

Client Snapshot: Uniform Dating Blogger Campaign

What do you get if you take one TV and Michelin Star chef otherwise known as Michael Caines, add to that the online dating site Uniform Dating, mix in 30 food bloggers and throw in a brand new recipe app called Uniform Foodies? Here we share with you an overview of our blogger campaign.

The answer (and delicious end result) is the ‘Foodies 100 Blogger Challenge with Uniform Foodies & Michael Caines’ and Uniform Dating held the nail biting finale yesterday at the bright and airy Central Street Cookery School in Islington, London.

uniform foodies event

But first, let’s rewind 10 weeks to when Uniform Dating ran a national poll to find out what our Nation’s heroes favourite dishes were. They discovered that Fireman crave curry, Police and Doctors favour fish & chips and Nurses salivate over salads.

First stop was asking Michael Caines to create 15 recipes to accompany the dishes. These recipes were then built into the Uniform Foodies APP, downloadable onto your iPhone and from which you can add your own favourites to create a home for your favourites from tasty salads to gorgeous curries.

There was loads of coverage around the app launch but we knew that bloggers offered us a great opportunity to spread the word, so we asked 30 food bloggers to create an affordable, healthy and relatively easy recipe using inspiration from Michael Caines creations ensuring that they fit the brief and were most importantly fit for a Uniformed Professional. Their prize was to win a chance to cook for the man himself Michael Caines, at a Blogger Challenge to celebrate the launch of Uniform Foodies.

Each blogger submitted their recipe and Michael had an extremely tough time going through them all as he tried to decide on his top three. The brief was for it to be delicious, affordable and relatively easy to make so Michael used his imagination to conjure up the potential flavours from the pics provided and ingredients listed.

Finally we had our three (extremely excited) finalists; Free From Fairy, Cherished By Me and My Little Italian Kitchen, each with their own take on the Uniform’s favourite foods and ready to cook for Michael at our Challenge Final.
As the clock struck 12 midday each of our finalists set to work, all keen to impress MC and all in full concentration mode. Michael spent time chatting and advising with each of the bloggers throughout the hour answering questions and giving helpful tips and advice whilst stealing bits of their ingredients to try!

Then finally the hour was up and each of the bloggers nervously plated up their shortlisted dishes before placing them in front of Michael and heading to the other end of the kitchen where they each had an opportunity to try each other’s.

Michael spent a good 20mins devouring the three meals, making notes and marking them each against the brief as well as flavour and presentation.

He ummmed and ahhhh’d for a few minutes before calling the bloggers back to his station and announcing the winner as……………. Ailda from My Little Kitchen. Her Mediterranean Chicken Salad won Michael over and he was especially impressed by how much time and effort had gone in to create a salad with so many flavours. He also thought it was healthy yet full of protein and relatively easy for the nurses to make!

Well done to all of the bloggers that entered the competition and a huge thank you to the very talented and lovely Michael Caines.

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