15 February 2021 Health News in Brief

An Update on our PR Campaign for Vitamin D

If you’re a regular reader of the Cherish PR blog, you may remember our post on the PR campaign for Vitamin D back in September 2020.

We thought we’d update visitors to our site on the outcome of the campaign which set out to increase awareness of the benefits of Vitamin D in the fight against Covid-19.

On behalf of a group of eminent scientists, we set about to engage UK media on the importance of taking at least 2000 IU of Vitamin D every day. Many studies have shown a direct link between Vitamin D deficiency and the worst cases of Covid. By simply taking a daily dose of Vitamin D, we can help our immune systems stay strong and potentially keep those we love from suffering.

We are pretty proud of the results so far. Our campaign galvanised media in support of the evidence and from The Observer to The Daily Express, Nutraingredients to The Times, our work helped the scientific group gain momentum and lobby the Department of Health to recommend Vitamin D to those at risk of developing significant illness. MPs Rupa Huq and David Davis joined the group in October and took the points in the articles we placed directly into the House of Commons and to the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock himself.

We had a significant breakthrough in November 2020 when the government announced it would offer four months of free vitamin D supplements to all those in care homes and those shielding. However, the scientific group is continuing with its work to prove that all Britons should be taking at least 2000 iUs of supplementary Vitamin D during the winter months to help our bodies fight Covid-19 and other winter viruses.

So if you are reading this and you’re not taking Vitamin D, please make sure you order the sunshine vitamin and include it as part of your daily health routine.

Stay healthy!

Team Cherish PR.

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