27 September 2022 Business PR Musings Tech


Working in the fast-moving world of change and innovation, we get to meet many brilliant founders and entrepreneurs whose drive and determination are truly inspirational. Some are visionary and wise, others are gritty and determined, a few are… well… just a little bit crazy. However, all are driven, passionate and a force of nature, and that’s why we love them.

Over the years, we have learned and adapted to work within the world of startups and scaleups where the only constant is change.

That’s why we loved reading “Three Soft Skills You’ll Need To Succeed At A Tech Startup” in City A.M. Startups and scaleups are different from traditional companies. There is an energy, a determination and a passion and belief that is hard to replicate in a bigger firm. It’s why so many larger organisations actually spin out their R&D and innovation teams into completely new businesses, free from institutional shackles that hold back the creative process.

However, the same article also states that twenty-three percent of tech startups fail because they don’t have the right team running the company. You see, unlike founders, teams need structures, and processes in order to scale. That’s why we’ve built our very own framework to help the marketing teams in our ambitious and disruptive clients really demonstrate the power of great PR.

We have helped some of the world’s biggest companies on their journey, brands like Wix, eHarmony, Vimeo, match, Indiegogo, Laundrapp and so many more. We thought we’d share a taste of what makes our PR framework for startups so successful:

Smart thinking

Every client regularly collaborates with our founder or senior leadership team to identify how PR can make a real impact and difference to their business. We never deliver media coverage for the sake of it, and we challenge and create to make sure the investment in PR earns dividends.

Goal driven plans

There’s no point in having a plan if the only thing it delivers is an output. Everything we do is business focused and our plans are developed to work towards our clients’ business goals.

Agile processes

From always-on, up to the minute reporting to insight-based reviews, we apply a continuous test-and-learn approach to our PR campaigns, meaning we can evolve and pivot as and when we need to.

Flexible working style

We’ve been flexible working for years, because our product is our people and we want them to be their best.

Guaranteed commitment

Founders want commitment to their mission and idea and that means that we’re always thinking about how we can support. It also means that we expect commitment to PR from our clients. It’s 100% both ways.


If you’d like to know more about our framework for PR for startups, get in touch at info@cherishpr.com.

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