22 August 2016 PR Musings Tech Trends

Lifestage vs. Snapchat – Vlogging Social Media

The battle of the vlogging social media – lifestage vs Snapchat – who will win? Lifestage, Facebook’s latest app allows you to make short biographical video clips to build a profile. It competes with Snapchat for the attention of teenagers, a demographic Facebook itself has been losing traction with. But is Lifestage really so different from Snapchat? We outline the similarities and differences for you:

Lifestage 1


  • Both apps allow you to make videos. Lifestage works as a Facebook profile in video. When the app opens, you make videos for your bio, which people can then view.
  • Both apps allow you to share videos. While you need to be friends on Snapchat to send videos, Lifestage claims that its videos can be viewed by anyone.
  • Both apps involve an element of gamification. In Snapchat, completing different challenges means winning trophies, like taking 10,000 selfies, for example. In Lifestage, the more video information you add to your profile, the higher you are ranked.

Lifestage 2



  • Lifestage does not have a chat function. While Snapchat allows you to send messages as well as photos, you can’t talk directly to anyone through Lifestage.
  • Lifestage excludes a large number of potential users. In fact, no one over the age of 22 is able to view other profiles on Lifestage… unless you lie about your age. It is exclusively for people between 13 and 22.
  • Lifestage is focussed on creating the same community experience that early Facebook did. A minimum of 20 people from your school have to join Lifestage, for the app to show you more profiles. Snapchat focuses on the individual experience of each user.

We are not 100% percent sure about the name selection ‘Lifestage’, doesn’t seem like a term used by Generation Z and Millennials. However, if Lifestage gains the traction Snapchat has, it could be an incredibly powerful marketing tool for targeting people between the ages of 13 – 22.

Check out our post on the marketing power of vlogging social media platform Snapchat, showing the direction Lifestage could go. We’ll be back in a few weeks with further analysis of the app.

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