17 August 2017 Business Digital PR Musings

Top Three Tips to Perfect Instagram for Businesses

Using Instagram to showcase your brand is of paramount importance in 2017, as the image-heavy social media network now has over 600 million users globally. However, you won’t be alone as over 8 million businesses have profiles on the platform. Here at Cherish HQ we love to get ‘Insta’ happy and ‘Gram’, so here are our top 3 tips for nailing Instagram:

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Keep it Focused

At Cherish HQ, we split our Instagram content into three categories; internal, client and trends. For internal posts, we showcase our office culture. These could consist of anything from latest office recruits – including puppies – to positive phrases. Client posts are our opportunity to put the spotlight on client coverage or activity. From staging ‘flat lays’ with print coverage, to sharing pics of client products and live posting at events, we are always trying to find new ways to share the work we do with our clients.  Finally, we track and discuss world trends. This could be anything from slime to International Book Day, we like to get involved and ask our followers what they think of these trends. Keeping a core focus in three areas helps to curate the content, providing a narrative for followers.

Keep it Slick

Top thing to remember about Instagram, it is a staged version of life! Consequently, many high-profile celebrities and social media influencers have come out to say that all may not be as it seems through the Insta-specs. Think along the lines of rose tinted glasses for the modern-day. However, the benefit of this is that there are now so many tools out there to make your pictures pop. Our top picks are Canva and VSCO. People will follow and engage with you if they find your content engaging.

Keep it Tagged

Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags per post. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#). We use them on social media websites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify messages on a specific topic. In a nutshell, this means users are able to easily find content that is relevant to them through a simple search. Using hashtags will extend the reach of your post, which can help build engagement and increase followers.

The beauty of using Instagram is that it can, above all, make a brand relateable. Once you have a strategy in place, it becomes as easy as pie to manage on a daily basis. People do business with people, so it is important to demonstrate brand personality and talent. You never know who you will meet in today’s digital world. Good luck and have fun!

Written by Jasmine Prasad, Account Executive at Cherish PR

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