13 September 2016 Events PR Musings Trends

PR Tactics: Days of Note News Hijack

Today marks Roald Dahl ‘s 100th birthday, and what would a centenary celebration be without a fanfare of press coverage!? These types of anniversaries are priceless for editorial opportunities in the press, and where ever possible, should be taken full advantage of – a perfect news hijack opportunity.

Buoyed up by the much-anticipated release of The BFG movie last month, the press can’t get enough of anything and everything Roald Dahl. Making sure you time your outreach right; early enough for journalists to be on the anniversary bandwagon, and not so late that they’re bored witless by it, is absolutely crucial.

Take The Gloriumptious Worlds of Roald Dahl, released by Carlton Books in mid-august. It’s a stunning book, filled with facts and the interesting stories behind Roald Dahl ‘s magical books. Releasing it to allow coverage to be tied in with Roald Dahl ‘s birthday has not only allowed for national features, such as The Express Online , but has also built up a storm on twitter through the use of bloggers reviews and competitions running with particular hashtags to allow Carlton Books (and the bloggers) to get in on the ‘Twitter Party’ celebrating Dahl’s Birthday. #RoaldDahlDay #RoaldDahl100

By tying in press outreach with key anniversaries, making the most of the interest on social media, and getting the online community involved, coverage of your product and/or brand can be greatly amplified through PR. If done well, it can really provide an opportunity for your brand to have a platform which might not always be available on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you are a small company there’s limited spaces (but certainly some) for national newspaper space. However, if you are commenting or embracing a day of note then the media are likely to get you involved.

If you wanted to speak to us about our work with the famous author, our client Folio Society, or about how we can help you news hijack to make a splash for your brand – then get in touch info@cherishpr.com or drop us a line on +44 (0)20 3626 0283.

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