25 August 2021 General News

Marketing For Seniors

It’s a well-known fact that the UK population is aging. The Baby Boom generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, began turning 60 in 2006 and it’s expected that they will live healthier and longer lives than any other earlier generation. It’s amazing to think that on average, at 65 years old, women have a quarter of their lives left and men just over one fifth. 

For marketers, mature consumers are a valuable target audience. Bank of America Merrill Lynch projects that the global spending power of those aged over 60 will reach $15 trillion annually by 2020. However, this generation is very different from the stereotypical image of an older person!

How to market for seniors

The term “mature market” gives most of us clichéd images of retired grey-haired couples strolling on the beach, or an elderly person watching TV home alone. But today’s 50 plus demographic are a very diverse age group. They may be taking up new energetic hobbies, starting a business, moving to a new home, changing partners. The silver market is more active than ever.

Digital marketing is a must

Today’s 50 somethings have spent most of their adult lives with technology and that means they are digitally connected and social media-savvy. Ofcom’s Adults: Media use and attitudes report shows that the aging population is taking over the internet.


96% use a mobile phone

43% watch on-demand / streamed content

58% have a social media profile


92% use a mobile phone

34% watch on-demand / streamed content

34% have a social media profile


81% use a mobile phone

22% watch on-demand / streamed content

20% have a social media profile

Smart marketers are making the most of social media and influencer marketing, focused on the top pastimes that this lucrative audience are looking to enjoy. 

Think senior doesn’t mean social? Think again…

This market is incredibly active on Facebook, connecting with their children, grand-children and old school friends, and whilst most YouTubers may not be their cup of tea, they’re using video channels to catch-up with their favourite entertainment. This audience are excited by new information and are as aesthetically driven as their 20 something counterparts. They’re saving their inspiration boards on Pinterest and favourite images on Instagram. 

And for this group, their LinkedIn connections look like a Who’s Who of industry. They have decades of business connections making them true digital influencers in the business world. 

And they’ve taken to TikTok too! Hashtags like #60yearsold and #60yearsyoung have millions of videos on TikTok where forever young Baby Boomers share video clips of their lives. 

The rise of the Baby Boomer influencers

In fact, TikTok and Instagram have influencers smashing the stereotypes of the aging population and showing they can be who they want to be and dress how they like at any age. Accidental Icon, aka Lyn Slater is a college professor from New York who has 750k followers on Instagram. She has collaborated with brands such as Valentino, Uniqlo and Mango. White Hair Wisdom is an Instagram account by a yoga teacher called Lynnie who celebrates her greying hair, and Grece Ghanem has 641k followers on her stylish account. Among many others, these ladies are showing how to live your life fully, no matter what your age.

Reach seniors with SEO

The aging population actually makes 20 per cent more online purchases compared with Millennials. Even though they were not born with tablets in their hands, they are now making the most of it. Just as any other internet user, Baby Boomers rely on Google search, and that’s why good SEO is vital to your marketing strategy. 

Baby Boomers and Media

Whilst most under the 30s have shifted wholeheartedly to online media channels, Baby Boomers still enjoy reading magazines, since it is something they have always done. They trust traditional media brands, print or online. For many of them, it has always been part of their regular routine and it feels familiar. Getting your business covered in the press can be the most effective way to reach this lucrative demographic.

How to create content for a mature audience

This is an active audience. They’re not like their parents and they want marketers to understand this. They don’t want to be reminded of conformity and ill health, they want to enjoy their life,  explore the world and keep on trying new things. So whilst they may not be pioneers, write them off at your peril!

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