18 December 2013 Just For Fun

Crowdfunding Social Media – Top Tips for Success

Cherish was invited to sit on a panel for an event organised by crowdfunding platform Indiegogo called When Social Met Funding – not surprisingly, all about crowdfunding social media tactics. The event was hosted at The Bakery in London on Monday 9 December and was a sell-out. Alongside Kirsty on the panel was journalist Peter Jukes as well as a host of Indiegogo campaigners to talk about how social media can impact campaigns on the crowdfunding platform. It was a really interesting discussion and the audience was able to hear about a range of different campaigns as well as the way the panel has (or hasn’t) used social media to market their ideas.

Anastasia Emmanuel, UK Marketing and Community Manager at Indiegogo, said,”Social is all about people, and people are at the heart of Crowdfunding. Without the community, campaigns would not be possible. Indiegogo was built to empower people to fund what matters to them. Crowdfunding puts the power back into the hands of the people and enables them to tap into communities to fund their ideas and passions.”

If you missed out on a ticket to the event, don’t worry – here are Cherish’s top tips for using social media to market your crowdfunding campaign:

  1. Think carefully about which social media platforms you should set up. Only set up platforms where your target audience is likely to be. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be on everything!
  2. Turn your social media platforms into communities by engaging with people and having conversations. And they don’t always have to be about your campaign…
  3. Use the Rule of Thirds – one third of your content should be about your campaign, one third should be engaging with people and the last third should be about sharing other people’s content that aligns to your brand.
  4. Content is King. Create or curate relevant, interesting content that your audience will want to read, view and engage with.
  5. Don’t get fixated on numbers. You could have a million Twitter followers but it means nothing if no one is engaging with you. The numbers you should focus on are how many @ mentions you had (i.e. conversations), how many RTs, post shares, comments, likes etc.
  6. Most importantly… just be yourself. People invest in people so let your personality and your passion for your campaign shine through and your social media follower numbers will naturally increase.
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